"When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown!" (Isaiah 43:2, TLB)

We all go through difficult times in life. Maybe a loved one let you down. Maybe you didn’t get the job or promotion you wanted. Maybe you’re having a challenge in your health. Sometimes it can feel like a raging river of emotion inside, but God promises that He is with you. He won’t let you down. He still calms the storms that rage around you!
What did the disciples do when they were in a great storm in Mark 4:35-41? They called on Jesus! They turned to Him when they didn’t know what to do, and He brought peace to their circumstances. Today, if you are going through circumstances you don’t understand, know that it’s no surprise to God. He’s already prepared a way of escape for you. Call on Jesus, today! He’s closer than the air you breath! He loves you with an everlasting love, and He promises that He is always with you!
Father, thank You for being with me in the storms of life. I choose to trust You even when I don’t understand. I choose to call on You knowing that You can bring peace to the storms in my life in Jesus' name. Amen.
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